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A mindful kitchen by Sega

Because it is food for our loved ones, it has to be kept fresh for the longest time possible. By carefully observing needs and real lives we design products with care and purpose. Some designs are inspired by the new trends and others by the way we eat, drink and entertain.

From containers that fit in your bag to oven dishes the exact width of lasagna sheet and multi-functional bowls for all occasion, every Sega piece has been inspired by your daily lives.

Here are few reasons why stainless-steel containers top the race!

#1 The notorious case of BPA.

Yes, plastic containers are cheap, yes plastic containers come in variety and colors, but what’s unkempt is a sugar-coated lie. Plastic containers and most of the canned containers are coated with a controversial chemical called BPA.

This BPA seaps though the plastic and mixes with food and liquid, and companies use this naughty chemical in excess. But what’s at stake is our health. Studies show that that this compound is linked to many terminal diseases and may be part cause of your ‘stubborn belly fat’.

Whereas stainless steel uses no such chemicals except the air tight glaze. We at Sega make sure your containers are millimeter perfect so that not an inch of stuff mingles with food. So that your food tastes same in and out of box.

#2 Splintering flakes of glass.

Ever wondered about the unbridled horror of breaking glass?

The most a stainless steel container will trouble you is with a dent. From sourcing raw materials to the final product, the entire range of Sega products are subjected to quality tests to give you a dent free experience. Moreover stainless steel containers are safe for dishwasher unlike glass which takes advantage of water and slips through your hands.

#3 Cold stays cold, hot stays hot

Heat loss in plastic is very obvious, and glass containers seldom bare the heat. Our products come with loss-less heat transmission. Sega airtight containers are a paradigm for kitchenware. Our design team works two years in advance to make sure they bring the most viable containers, from those which fit your fridge door to the ones in oven. And not to mention the ones for cooking.

#4 Stainless steel’s cleanability

Having no pores or cracks to harbor dirt, grime or bacteria stainless steel lets soap and water to do all the job. Satin smooth or mirror bright stainless steel lends it beauty to its surrounding, blending perfectly with other fixtures and finishes.

Stainless steel’s cleanability is far superior to that of plastic, the dense molecular structure provides greater durability and adopts far less color and odour than other plastic materials.

Hygiene is of utmost importance wherever food and beverages are prepared produced and processed and stainless steel has always proven a record of success.

Sega products fulfill consumer needs longer than comparable products made of other materials. 

#5 Marvelous sustenance of stainless steel

  Due to its excellent mechanical and corrosion properties, stainless steel ensures low maintenance costs, a long life and high recapture rates once that life is over. Stainless steel containers are 100% recyclable. Because of its high durability it can sustain harsh of harsh conditions and retain its original form. And at the end of the project the product has high scrap value and all of it is recycled. An important fact to notice here is that stainless steel doesn’t stay in environment and neither possess any harm to animals unlike its counterpart plastic against which our world’s fighting age old wars.

        Among all the high volume engineering materials, stainless steel is the only one that has established an almost ideal closed loop recycling system.  

Stainless steel containers are without question the hygienic choice in setting up your mindful kitchen. Sega provides a wide range of decorative finishes from mirror polished to matte.

Drop by a store, or check out our online store for more!


November 20, 2020

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